When opportunity knocks, answer with cash in hand!

I have officially advertised on The Gargle via the unbelievably talented, smart, funny, exceptional Alice Fraser. It’s a show that delivers much joy every week. So when Chris (thank you Chris) said you could pay for sponsorship, I thought “Well that’s cool. If only I had something to advertise…” Then I realized that I did have something to advertise! Not something worth advertising mind you, just something I could advertise.

And Alice killed it, as she does.

This was some of the best money I’ve ever spent. Well worth every penny.

And thusly far (if I can channel a little of my own writing) I’ve sold 2 (YES 2!) more copies. If I keep this up, I may even enter the double digits in sales. A man can dream…

But really here’s the important thing – check out The Gargle, it’s great! I’d recommend THIS EPISODE!!! Aside from a killer advertisement spot, it’s got talk of farting snakes. FARTING SNAKES!

Give it a listen. You won’t regret it.

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